Yes, we are a Republic,
which means,
Yes, we are a “representative democracy,”
which means (on the logic of “a Ford truck is a truck”)
Yes we are “a democracy.”
We are just not a direct democracy—and I don’t know anyone who ever said that we are (and I’d be happy to join with anyone to argue we should not be).
This is such a frustratingly ill-informed argument that the other side needs a simple link to address it. So here it is —remember it:
Social Wall
Mike Huckabee
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh delivered his first opinion for the high court Tuesday in a case concerning the Federal Arbitration Act. In recent years the Supreme Court has adopted a pro-arbitration bent. Arbitration is a dispute resolution process that takes place outside courts. Advocates….
Marco Rubio
I was very happy to read this piece by @TulsiGabbard. Both parties need to come together in support of religious li……
Bernie Sanders
As a result of Trump’s shutdown, 800,000 federal employees are in danger of not receiving a paycheck. They’re worried about how they’ll pay their mortgages, feed their families and put gas in their cars. In spite of all of these consequences, Republican leader Mitch McConnell refuses to take action. We should block consideration of all bills on the Senate floor until we end the Trump shut down and reopen the federal government.
One Louisiana contractor is worried he could lose his apartment.
Mike Huckabee
Do you like this move?
‚The Trump Administration plans to implement a rule change to close loopholes that states have been using to exempt large portions of healthy, younger food stamp recipients from work requirements.‘
Gov. Mike Huckabee
From my @tbn show this past weekend, I explain how Elvis did way more than politicians and preachers to address REA……
Mike Huckabee
If California really respected the law, this police corporal’s alleged killer might not have been in the country at all.
Where’s he been the past few years?
Equal Citizens
Far too many people still do not know about HR 1. This is a call to action to our followers: Share this video with your friends and family. Let’s get the word out!
Do you know about HR 1?
Bernie Sanders
President Trump, you want to talk about crises. At a time of massive income and wealth inequality, tens of million……
Bernie Sanders
This is a monumental victory, not just for voting rights, but for criminal justice reform. If we want a criminal justice system that rehabilitates people, we need to make sure formerly incarcerated people can fully participate as citizens. We must finally end our oppressive, undemocratic status quo and re-enfranchise millions of voters in this country.
It was an emotional morning in the Sunshine State, as people with felony convictions were able to register to vote for the first time.
Ted Cruz
RT @LahavHarkov: I love that this is a story…
Mike Huckabee
Americans are standing up against constitutional attacks.
Gun owners in a Colorado city that passed a strict ‚assault weapons‘ ban have refused to comply with an order to certify their firearms with the city.
Gov. Mike Huckabee
Take a break from depressing news for a few minutes–the legendary Elvis guitar player James Burton and Imperials T……
Donald J. Trump
Some have suggested a barrier is immoral… The only thing that is immoral is the politicians to do NOTHING and continue to allow more innocent people to be so horribly victimized.
Mike Huckabee
This should have been airing non-stop before and after Trump’s address. It’s too good to not get it in front of the entire country.
‚This barrier is absolutely critical to border security…‘
Bernie Sanders
I stand in solidarity w/ @UTLAnow teachers in their fight for fair pay, smaller classroom sizes & stipends for mate……
Gov. Mike Huckabee
I’ll be on @TheStoryFNC w/ @marthamaccallum on @FoxNews at 7pm ET but if Martha refuses to negotiate with me in goo……
Mike Huckabee
Trump just riled up Democrats with a big changeup in regard to the border wall.
President Trump let Democrats know that a new material other than concrete would be used to construct a wall on the southern border.
Mike Huckabee
No wonder Speaker Pelosi didn’t seem pleased.
President Donald Trump slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during Tuesday night’s Oval Office address.
Gov. Mike Huckabee
As much as I hope for a real resolution, I hope even more that @realDonaldTrump and the @SenateGOP and @HouseGOP s……
Bernie Sanders
To my mind, there is no greater disservice to millions of veterans throughout this country than to deny them the health care they have earned by draining the VA of its resources in order to line the pockets of corporate CEOs and shareholders. If President Trump thinks privatizing the VA is what is best for our veterans, he is dead wrong.
An analysis of VA claims data shows that sending more vets to private care has not had the positive effects that were long promised by conservatives.
Lindsey Graham
@senjudiciary In addition, I will also continue to seek common ground on the major issue facings our nation.
I l……
Lincoln Chafee
RT America – Former US senator and governor Lincoln Chafee (D-Rhode Island) joins Scottie Nell Hughes to weigh in on the folly of ongoing US military intervention in Syria and its legal and political aspects and
Equal Citizens
Yes, we are a Republic,
which means,
Yes, we are a “representative democracy,”
which means (on the logic of “a Ford truck is a truck”)
Yes we are “a democracy.”
We are just not a direct democracy—and I don’t know anyone who ever said that we are (and I’d be happy to join with anyone to argue we should not be).
This is such a frustratingly ill-informed argument that the other side needs a simple link to address it. So here it is —remember it:
Mike Huckabee
Always entertaining…
Donald Trump is facing reality. Nancy Pelosi … isn’t.
Donald J. Trump
Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, a total waste of time. I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!
Lindsey Graham
I’m honored to be selected as Chairman of @senjudiciary.
I will do my best to continue down the path charted by S……
Donald J. Trump
Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, a total waste of time. I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I qu……
Mike Huckabee
The news you need to know…
Today’s Commentary — President Trump’s Speech — Most tasteless tweet — The dumbest attempt at pious superiority — Democrat mega donor in trouble — Ainsworth: „Get woke, go broke“ — fashion magazines leaving newsstands — AOC trashes the fact-checkers — A big-week for believers in socialism….
Ted Cruz
Senator Ted Cruz has a new idea for border security … a bill that builds the wall and makes El Chapo pay for it!
Check out his #ELCHAPOAct!
Ted Cruz
RT @theprospergroup: Senator @tedcruz has a new idea for border security … a bill that builds the wall and makes El Chapo pay for it!
Bernie Sanders
Our federal employees deserve to be treated with respect, not held hostage as political pawns.
Bernie Sanders
One of the most shameful parts of this administration has been its efforts to reduce the federal government’s role in promoting civil rights regulations. We must remember that the struggle for civil rights is not the struggle of a day, or a year, or a generation. It is the struggle of a lifetime, and one that must be fought by every generation.
A recent Washington Post report says plans to alter disparate impact regulation, a key part of civil rights enforcement, might be in the works.
Gov. Mike Huckabee
This is the most tragic thing I’ve seen in years. God help us if there many more like this one. If so, we are doo……
Mike Huckabee
I really don’t mean to pick on “Democratic” Socialist Rep. Alex Ocasio-Cortez, but…
I really don’t mean to pick on “Democratic” Socialist Rep. Alex Ocasio-Cortez, but…
Donald J. Trump
The Border Wall would very quickly PAY FOR ITSELF. The cost of illegal drugs exceeds $500 billion dollars a year – vastly more than the $5.7 billion dollars we have requested from Congress.
Donald J. Trump
Thank you to all of America’s brave police, deputies, sheriffs, and federal law enforcement on National Law Enforce……
Equal Citizens
Everyone deserves the right to vote. Congrats Florida!
Ex-felons in Florida can finally register to vote.
Mike Huckabee
I hope you watched President Trump’s brief address last night on border security, and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s response.
Bernie Sanders
As I have said for years, climate change is the greatest threat facing our country and the planet. The Trump administration’s refusal to acknowledge this reality, let alone address it, is an ugly betrayal of our children and the future generations who will have to inhabit an increasingly uninhabitable planet. We must come together to take on the greed of the fossil fuel industry, who consider their short-term profits more important than the kind of lives our grandchildren will have.
The nation is now far off course from what the Obama administration promised under the Paris agreement, leaving a big gap for the rest of the world to make up.
Bernie Sanders
This is what a rigged economy is all about. We must work to transform American society by making our political and……
Mike Huckabee
New from Laura Ainsworth:
Helen Smith at Instapundit has an essay that gets me as happy as the thought of a high border wall.
Bernie Sanders
The business model of Wells Fargo and Wall Street is fraud. The time has come to break up Wells Fargo and other beh……
Bernie Sanders
We have got to end the private prison racket in America. Private corporations should not be making profits off of the incarceration of human beings. The American people want comprehensive immigration reform and a criminal justice system that is based on justice, not racism or mass incarceration.
A surging inmate population in the 1980s led to a boom in for-profit prisons. Today, privately run prisons have become the government’s default detention centers for undocumented migrants.
Donald J. Trump
America First, always.
Bernie Sanders
It’s pretty clear: Exxon knew about climate change and intentionally misled the public. Why? To protect their profits at the expense of the planet. The greed of fossil fuel companies is destroying our planet. It has got to end.
Massachusetts wants to know what the oil giant knew about climate change.
Bernie Sanders
In America today, a person can walk into a pharmacy and find that the medicine they have used for years has doubled……
Equal Citizens
Revolving door on steroids…
Jon Kyl returned to his lobbying firm Covington & Burling a week after ending his brief tenure as a U.S. senator from Arizona.
Ted Cruz
RT @TeamTedCruz: .@chucknorris: „Passing [@tedcruz’s] bill could be the compromise they all are looking for, and it is the best win-win-win…
Hillary Clinton
Update: She won!
Congrats to Senator-elect @JenniferBoysko, the first Democratic victory of 2019 in Virginia—and……
Senator Rand Paul
I had a surprise visit by some friends today at my office to celebrate my birthday.
Bernie Sanders
Over the past 40 years, the wealthiest and most powerful people in this country have rigged the economy against the American middle class, the working class and the most vulnerable people among us. The very rich are getting richer while most working families are struggling.We must create an economy based on human needs, not the greed of the billionaire class.
The line between consumers and shareholders has blurred in recent decades. But the profits still tend to flow upward.
Bernie Sanders
Mr. President, we don’t need to create artificial crises. We have enough real ones. Let us end this shutdown and……
Ted Cruz
Pretty cool: A good friend is studying in Yeshiva in Israel. His rabbi told him he liked my beard, elaborating “It……
Donald J. Trump
The federal government remains shut down for one reason and one reason only: Because Democrats will not fund border security.
Hillary Clinton
We’ve raised over $100k and counting for organizations that help families and kids at the border since the beginning of the president’s TV stunt last night.
Let’s keep counteracting his lies about migrants and refugees with positive action:
Hillary Clinton
We’ve raised over $100k and counting for organizations that help families and kids at the border since the beginnin……
Donald J. Trump
Billions of dollars are sent to the State of California for Forest fires that, with proper Forest Management, would……
Lindsey Graham
Spoke with @seanhannity last night about border security and President @realDonaldTrump’s address to the nat……
Mike Huckabee
Join me for the Baltic Experience 2019. This all-inclusive cruise will feature some of the most beautiful places in the Baltic Sea and we will get to travel to and absorb these destinations aboard a luxury cruise ship from the Azamara Cruise line. Learn more:
Lindsey Graham
I have tried to be reasonable and practical when it comes to immigration but I’m flabbergasted to hear from my Democratic colleagues — who have voted for billions of dollars in border security money — that this is a manufactured crisis.
Was it manufactured when Obama wanted the money? No.
Why did you give the money to Obama and Bush if it was a manufactured crisis?
Lindsey Graham’s Pitch for the Wall – Cortney O’Brien: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) hears the complaints about a border .01/09/2019 10:11:50AM EST.
Bernie Sanders
First, Trump shut down the government. Then, his administration started looking into what effect it would have. They did not realize that 38 million Americans will lose their food stamps under a shutdown, nor did they know that thousands of tenants would face eviction without assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The Trump administration’s shutdown was planned about as well as everything else Trump has done.
Equal Citizens
Another win against gerrymandering!
Last summer, a federal judicial panel found that lawmakers had racially gerrymandered 11 districts.
Carly Fiorina
LISTEN: I sat down with wounded warrior, Lt. Col. Justin Constantine, to talk about the lessons he’s learned from his life, and how he’s using them to help others:
🎵 iTunes:
🖥️ More:
Carly Fiorina
LISTEN: I sat down with wounded warrior, Lt. Col. Justin Constantine, to talk about the lessons he’s learned from h……
Donald J. Trump
Billions of dollars are sent to the State of California for Forrest fires that, with proper Forrest Management, wou……
Ted Cruz
RT @FreedomWorks: .@SenTedCruz introduces #TermLimits Amendment! #ampFW
Ted Cruz
RT @SecPompeo: Today, EU issued its first sanctions against the Iranian regime since the Iran deal, and the Netherlands disclosed that #Ira…
Ted Cruz
RT @twteaparty: While Democrat and Republican leaders in Washington are polarized and in gridlock over how to pay for a wall on the U.S. so…
Gov. Mike Huckabee
A black protester in crowd outside Dem mega-donor Ed Buck’s house made an interesting point: he said if 2 white men……
Donald J. Trump
Our Country is doing so well in so many ways. Great jobs numbers, with a record setting December. We are rebuilding……
Marco Rubio
The babble of some people is like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise is healing.
Proverbs 12:18
Donald J. Trump
President Donald J. Trump’s schedule for Wednesday, January 9th:
· Signing ceremony for Anti-Human Trafficking Legislation
· Senate Republican policy lunch
· Meeting with Congressional Leadership
Rick Santorum
I wish that were so. But I give credit to @AC360 and @ChrisCuomo for giving the only conservative voice more time w……
Donald J. Trump
Thank you for soooo many nice comments regarding my Oval Office speech. A very interesting experience!
Donald J. Trump
This is a choice between right and wrong. Justice and injustice.
Gov. Mike Huckabee
Code Blue in ER! Code Blue-ER stat! 2 elderly Caucasion patients; We can’t get a pulse on either! Get the paddles!……
Gov. Mike Huckabee
Was this a Democrat response or a hostage tape?
Mike Huckabee
‚BDS isn’t about freedom & equality, it’s about destroying Israel.‘
Sen. Marco Rubio called out freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib for her use of ‚anti-Semitic‘ rhetoric and her support for the BDS movement.
Ted Cruz
RT @benshapiro: “And wed have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for you darn kids!”
Marco Rubio
IMPORTANT CORRECTION: Tweet below contained material from other sources which I failed to properly attribute
The f……
Bernie Sanders
President Trump, you want to talk about a national emergency? 30 million Americans have no health insurance and man……
Marco Rubio
We simply cannot allow people to pour into the U.S. undetected, undocumented and unchecked. Which is why I voted nu……
Hillary Clinton
RT @HillaryClinton: Want to fight back against Trump’s ridiculous address tonight?
Send some support to organizations that help kids at t…
Mike Huckabee
Once again, the Dems are doing all they can to throw Bernie Sanders under the bus.
The editorial board of a major newspaper in Vermont just published a column urging Sen. Bernie Sanders against making another run for the presidency.
Lindsey Graham
RT @SaraCarterDC: “This is the best chance we have to get a deal,” said @LindseyGrahamSC on @seanhannity and he’s right. Veterans and other…
Lindsey Graham
RT @ec_schneider: Sen. Lindsey Graham on @FoxNews: “How many caravans have to rush the border before we believe we have a crisis?”
Lindsey Graham
RT @elianayjohnson: .@LindseyGrahamSC tells @seanhannity this is the „most presidential“ he’s seen President Trump.
Ted Cruz
We can build the wall AND have El Chapo pay for it… the #ELCHAPOAct is how. Join the fight:
Donald J. Trump
Ben & Candy Carson
I am encouraged by the President’s speech and hopeful that we can come together to reopen the government and serve……
John Kasich
The President needs to put the country ahead of politics.
Lindsey Graham
Speaking with @foxnews @seanhannity in just a few minutes.
Tune in!
Donald J. Trump
WATCH LIVE as President Trump Addresses the Nation
Lindsey Graham
After President @realDonaldTrump’s address to the nation tonight at 9:00 pm I will be speaking with @foxnews @seanhannity.
Tune in!
Mike Huckabee
Fortunately, a Republican Senate stands in their way.
Marco Rubio
Today Senate Democrats decided to put shutdown politics ahead of support for #Israel by voting against beginning de……
Hillary Clinton
Want to fight back against Trump’s ridiculous address tonight?
Send some support to organizations that help kids……
Hillary Clinton
Want to fight back against Trump’s ridiculous address tonight?
Send some support to organizations that help kids at the border.
The only border crisis we’re facing is the inhumane detention of kids that has already led to the deaths of two children.
Two children have died in U.S. custody at the border. Let’s not stop at feeling heartbroken. Let’s mobilize to help.
Bernie Sanders
This isn’t the time to play politics. It’s time to work together in order to create policy that reflects the urgency of our current situation. I stand with the vast majority of the American people in the shared fight for safer gun laws and against the NRA’s corporate influence and ability to buy candidates and elected officials.
Three men were fatally shot and four were injured late Friday at a Torrance bowling alley, police said, and relatives and friends wept and shouted outside as they awaited word on the victims.
Marco Rubio
What is happening on our border is bad for migrants, bad for Mexico & bad for America. The only ones benefiting fro……